Author Info

We appreciate your interest in the works of Lenora Mattingly Weber, Catherine Woolley, Janet Lambert, Helen Dore Boylston, Rosamond du Jardin, Anne Emery, Alice Ross Colver, Carolyn Wells, and Sally Watson.
Our authors have lived rich lives with endless sources of creative inspiration. Just as their stories and characters are inspiring, so too are their own lives. They have been pioneers in their field - ahead of their time in career pursuits, independence, and persistence in the publishing world. We salute them for their endurance and fortitude, and thank them for sharing their gifts for story telling. We are grateful to our authors and authors' families for permitting us to bring back their works for all to enjoy. We are grateful to you for supporting them.
Authors of Image Cascade
Our authors have lived rich lives with endless sources of creative inspiration. Just as their stories and characters are inspiring, so too are their own lives. They have been pioneers in their field - ahead of their time in career pursuits, independence, and persistence in the publishing world. We salute them for their endurance and fortitude, and thank them for sharing their gifts for story telling. We are grateful to our authors and authors' families for permitting us to bring back their works for all to enjoy. We are grateful to you for supporting them.
Authors of Image Cascade