Beany Malone Trivia Questions

Beany Malone Trivia
Test your knowledge of Beany with challenging Beany Malone Trivia!
Created by, the inimitable Zelda Hawkins and our beloved Darlene "BobDar" Lange. Darlene, we miss you. You are in our hearts. Reigning Champion and Bearer of the Charm Bracelet: Molly Motherwell1. What is Mary Fred's friend Lila's last name?
2. How much did Mary Fred pay down on Mr. Chips?
3. What was the name of the woman whose eggs Johnny broke?
4. Jock and Lorna's great uncle had 2 different names in 2 different books. What are the names?
5. What was Nonna's last name?
6. In Meet The Malones, Mrs. Socially Prominent Adams is referred to by her husband's name? She is Mrs.__________________Adams. Fill in the blank.
7. How many egg whites in a Lady Eleanor cake?
8. What is the name of the campus newspaper at "The U"?
9. What color beanie did freshmen at "The U" have to wear?
10. What was the name of the Malone family doctor?
11. What did Adair have as a decoration on her key chain?
12. What musical instrument did Jock get as a birthday present?
13. What class did Johnny and Kay share at Harkness?
14. What relative did Cousin Sheila live with when she first came to the US?
15. What award was Johnny trying to win for Emerson Worth?
16. What was the name of Eve Baxter's housekeeper?
17. What did Johnny name his jalopies?
18. What kind of rosebush was mentioned by name in Beany and the Beckoning Road?
19. Where did Elizabeth, Don and Martie move when they left Denver?
20. How much did the Malones pay to get Quaker back for Ander?
21. What was the name of the man they bought him from?
22. What was Miss Opal's last name?
23. What did Miss Opal and Beany leave as gifts for the owners of the cabin in Utah?
24. What did Fay Maffley tell Beany to use to remove freckles?
25. In which book did Mr. Chips die?
26. Name the stable where Mary Fred taught riding lessons.
27. What two different first names were given as Eve Baxter's real first name?
28. What brand of cosmetics did Mary Fred buy from the door to door saleswoman?
29. How long did it take Beany and Kay to walk to school together?
30. What was the name of the Veterinarian in Beany Has a Secret Life?
31. What kind of job did Andy have when he worked at the Park Gate?
32. What was The Bitter One's real name?
33. Beany wanted to attend the annual convention for which school newspaper association?
34. What extraneous ingredient did Eve Baxter think that her housekeeper put in coffee?
35. What were the first names of Norbett's aunt and uncle?
36. What was the Drama teacher's full name?
37. What street did Dulcie live on?
38. What perfume did Dulcie wear on her first day at Harkness?
39. What did Miss Hewlett call Dulcie's mascara?
40. What church did the Malones attend?
41. What teacher supervised the Hark Ye staff?
42. What color was Helena Sterns Lincoln?
43. What was the name of Sir Echo's sire?
44. Who was the Society Editor for The Morning Call?
45. Name the male half of the couple who rented the Carmody farm?
46. What was the name of Helena Sterns Uranium Company?
47. Name the cabin that Elizabeth and Don inherited?
48. What was the name of the fictional town closest to the cabin?
49. What liqueur did Beany drink at the Veraldi-DiJulio wedding?
50. What were the first names of "the gigglers" from the Ho Hos?
51. Beany wore the amethyst and opal pendant on three separate occasions, what were they?
52. What was the street address of Joe and Kay's basement apartment?
53. What was Judge Buell's first name?
54. How many charms were on Kay's bracelet?
55. What were they?
56. What street did the Buells live on?
Bonus and Tie Breaker Questions from Nonie and the Belford Series
57. What name got stamped on Katie Rose's sneakers?
58. What was the first book that Fabian gave Stacy to read?
59. Who was the matriarch of Fabian's duck family?
60. Where else could you find wallpaper like that in the Belford half-a-bath?
61. Who was the plumber who installed the half-a-bath?
62. What street did the Kinkaids live on, before they moved to Harmony Heights?
63. Who was Nonie's fictional servant?
64. What was Nonie's tentative title for her autobiography?