Janet Lambert

Janet Lambert
Janet Lambert, beloved author of girls fiction, was born and lived many years of her younger life in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Prior to writing novels Ms. Lambert performed as an actress and play writer touring with a repertory company around the United States and on Broadway.

Ms. Lambert's hometown has been the home to many well known writers such as General Lew Wallace, author of Ben Hur. Ms. Lambert's acting career was shortened during WWI by her marriage to then Captain Kent Lambert and later by the birth of her daughter, Jeanne Ann. As a perceptive and intellectually curious Army wife, Ms. Lambert gained insight into people, situations and life in many settings. These experiences were integrated into her writing for many years to come.

Janet Lambert's work has had and will continue to have a positive influence on the lives of her girls whom she loved so much.

TRIVIA: Little known fact - Fellow midwesterner, actor William Powell, performed with Lambert in repertory theatre. Powell gifted Lambert with a small gift: A puppy!

Readers of the Parrish/Jordon Family books have created a "reading order" list to assist the chronology of reading:

1. Star-Spangled Summer [Penny Parrish = PP]

2. Dreams of Glory [PP]

3. Glory Be! [PP]

4. Up Goes the Curtain [PP]

5. Practically Perfect [PP]

6. Just Jenifer [Jordon Family = JF]

7. Friday's Child [JF]

8. Miss Tippy [Tippy Parrish = TP and JF]

9. Little Miss Atlas [TP]

10. The Reluctant Heart [PP]

11. Confusion by Cupid [JF]

12. Miss America [TP & JF]

13. Don't Cry Little Girl [TP, some JF]

14. Rainbow after Rain [TP]

15. Welcome Home, Mrs. Jordon [TP]

16. A Dream for Susan [JF-Susan]

17. Love Taps Gently [JF-Susan]

18. A Song in Their Hearts [TP]

19. Myself and I [JF-Susan]

20. The Stars Hang High [JF-Susan & Bitsy]

21. Wedding Bells [JF-Susan & Bitsy]

22. Introducing Parri [PP's daughter Parri]

23. That's My Girl [Parri]

24. A Bright Tomorrow [JF-Bitsy]

25. Stagestruck Parri [Parri]

26. My Davy [Parri & David Parrish, Jr.]

27. Here's Marny [TP]
The Candy Kane set is comprised of:
Candy Kane

Whoa, Matilda!

One for the Money
***She then appears in A Song in their Hearts, a Tippy Parrish story.***
Image Cascade: In the image of girls - from a classic era.

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