Sally and Jean Burnaby Series
The Sally and Jean Burnaby Series Set. Set includes:
Senior Year
Going Steady
Sorority Girl
High Note, Low Note
Campus Melody
The Burnaby Family series focuses on Sally and Jean Burnaby and their family in the town of Sherwood. Mr. Burnaby is an English professor and Mrs. Burnaby is a young, easy to talk to mother. When the story begins, Sally is a high school senior; Jean is three years younger. Sally's romance interests include boy-next-door Scotty and, later, Bob Carlson. Jean plays the piano and strives to pursue a musical career. Her romance interests occasionally interfere with her dedication to music. A great Anne Emery series filled with family, friends, and romance! Softcover edition.
Senior Year
Going Steady
Sorority Girl
High Note, Low Note
Campus Melody
The Burnaby Family series focuses on Sally and Jean Burnaby and their family in the town of Sherwood. Mr. Burnaby is an English professor and Mrs. Burnaby is a young, easy to talk to mother. When the story begins, Sally is a high school senior; Jean is three years younger. Sally's romance interests include boy-next-door Scotty and, later, Bob Carlson. Jean plays the piano and strives to pursue a musical career. Her romance interests occasionally interfere with her dedication to music. A great Anne Emery series filled with family, friends, and romance! Softcover edition.